Sustainability from Production to Consumption

How sustainable is the furniture in our homes, the paper we use, the wood we burn, or the timber that goes into building our houses? These questions have become more pertinent now that ever, as we lead the charge to minimize the damage caused by deforestation and climate change.

Wood Coatings & Stains: A Complete Guide

If you’re “board” and hoping something fun “wood” come along, then look no further. This month at Wittswood, we are going to talk to you all about wood coatings and stains. We even a few tips for all the do-it-yourself-er’s!

7 Fresh Ways to Spruce Up Your Gates, Gardens and Everything in Between

Do you have an old wooden door in hour house that you are tired of looking at? Don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on a new door but would still like to repurpose your old door or gate? We have you covered! Here at Wittswood we care about you. Not just as a one-time customer but we also like to help wherever we can. We have curated a list of ways in which you can spruce up your old gates and doors.

Get a Handle on your Door Cleaning

Did you know that the Basilica of Santa Sabina in Rome, has a wooden door that is over 1500 years old? This 1500-year-old door still contains the intricate designs and patterns on all of its panels. We are not saying that all wooden doors can last for over 1500 years, but with proper care and refinishing, wooden doors can easily last a lifetime.